Thursday, January 10, 2008

On Turning 30

Hello and welcome back gentle readers to another exciting installment of "Are We There Yet?" Today's topic is one that is near and dear to my heart. A couple of months ago I turned thirty which officially makes me old. The irony here is that in order to mentally prepare myself for turning thirty, I've been telling myself that I was thirty for the past three years. This strategy did very little to soften the blow of actually turning thirty for real. Now I don't really believe myself to be that old, but it did make me take stock of my life and compare where I was at with where I wanted to be at this point in my life. I had grown up naturally assuming that by the time I was thirty I would be a multi-millionaire. Sadly this has not yet happened. Instead I find myself in the army among the enlisted ranks and still in school (another thing I didn't think I would still be doing) and getting ready to undertake a major career change. Don't get me wrong I'm happy with my life for the most part; I have a wonderful family, I've travelled the world (although usually not to the good places), I've gotten to do some really cool things professionally which has been exciting. Anyway I have tread down the path of self-pity for long enough I think. So until next time, adieu.

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